Maharajas group of institutions founded in 1984 still stands the leading educator in academic horizon since the past 34 years. It has been providing perceptive education, awakening creative and constructive leadership skills in each and every student.
- More than 2450 students
- There is no donation or capitation fee for admission.
- Scholarship for financially backward students.
- Highest percentage in University exams.
- Maxiumum least fee for every course.
- Help students develop critical thinking abilities and a problem solving approach.
- Well equipped Labs are available.
- Provide vacation classes such as spoken English, Yoga, art of living .
- It has good infrastructure which makes students feel comfortable and find a homely atmosphere.
- Travel concession for dayscholars can be availed as per norms.
- Counselling sessions, motivation classes-to nurture and improve their mental health and hygenic welfare strictly mean for the new generation.

“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.”